Sunday, January 31, 2010


I wanted a Sushezi and luckily got one for Christmas.  It is the coolest contraption ever.  One would look at the contraption and might possibly think that it is bollocks, but never fear.  This shit works!  It's as easy as the following:

1. Buying the ingredients (sushi rice, nori, veggies, fish, sauces, etc.).
2. Cooking the rice.
3. Chopping everything into small pieces.
4. Then you follow the direction or the video on the Sushezi website and fill the contraption with desired ingredients.  
5. Place the rice roll in nori and roll it using water to seal edges.
6. Keep in fridge for 10 minutes so the roll can soften.
7. Using a real sharp knife cut the roll into desired pieces (cleaning the knife with each cut).
8. Enjoy!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Love my horoscope

Jupiter is now in your relationship sector. If you think of all the dishevel you have been through in the last few years then this may be the lucky break you have been waiting for in relation to love. Have a good think on what you really want and what you are willing to do to get it. If you have been finding life ruling you lately then now is the time to take control back and assert your own power. This applies equally to those who have been ruling you and to yourself for allowing this to happen.

Totally applies.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.  -  Dr. Seuss

My previous post was a rushed thought.  The point is shit happens.  Sometime you have no control of the world.  We want to hold onto everything so tightly, but we simply cannot.  Something goes "wrong" in our eyes and we become angry, upset, sad, frustrated, furious, etc.  Instead of reacting we should use are brains and feelings to respond in that moment.  What can I do in this moment before I get upset?  Is there anything that I can do to change the path of this experience?  Whether the answer is yes or no, whether one has any small influence, one thing is certain.  The only thing a person can control is how they react and how they feel.  That's quite powerful. 


I think I need to learn to trust the universe.  If you try to hard to control something, you're bound to loose control.  Sometimes you have to relish in loosing control.
I know, I know.  Working on it.    

Monday, January 18, 2010

I was having a find day and one little thing had to ruin it.  Next thing you know I'm just so upset.  I have no one to make me feel better, or simply to talk to.  I feel so alone.  You feel the weight of the world at times like this. 

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Now this is positive!

My horoscope for the day:
Your partnership potential is looking good over the next several months as joyful Jupiter moves through your 7th House of Relationships. Although you may be disappointed if your expectations are unrealistic, it's more likely that someone special will enter your life and impact you in a positive manner. Whether you discover a mentor or a romance, exciting opportunities abound.


Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. - Jonathan Swift

I've come to see that I get disappointed so easily in others because I have such high expectations for them.  Perhaps they can't live up to those expectations?  Perhaps it is not right to expect anything from others?  I also, however, have high expectations for myself and if I fail to meet my own self set designs I am also hard on myself.  This goes hand in hand. 

Then I think about a quote on my friends blog: "You should NEVER settle for less than you deserve. Because the moment you do, you get even less than what you settled for."  This is something to consider. 

So one shouldn't have expectations, but by the same rule set, how does one prevent settling?  I don't want to be a person that live a life of complacency.  If something isn't right, fix it.  Fix your mind, your heart, a negative pattern that has been established.  If that "something" can't be fixed I think that speaks magnitudes in and of itself.

On an entirely different note I read a great book called, "Love and Obstacles."  It's somewhat of a vulgar book about this man who desperately wants to fit in and find himself amidst a lack of positive role models or supervision.  It's told from a collection of short stories that chronicles this mans life that wasn't anything but ordinary.  While somewhat of a "loser" character, it's rather an interesting book and he is rather larger than life.  4 (bizarre) stars.  

I also started reading "A New Earth", which is supposed to be a self help book from the Oprah Book Club, but it blows and I'm deleting it from my kindle.  Yes, I got one for Christmas (aka birth of the boyfriend day).

"On to the next one..."

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why are we so hard on ourselves, when the people who love us are so much more forgiving?
This year learn to be kind to yourself.  Learn to forgive yourself.   

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

In the endless quest for New Years quotes I settle on three:
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.  ~Oprah Winfrey

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man.  ~Benjamin Franklin

Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past.  Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.  ~Brooks Atkinson
I think each quote, in it's own right, offers something important.